

- Spoogle and Vandander have chilled tf out


- Ventilate and Vow now only target self, left ally, and opposing.

- Vandala Effect now only targets self and left ally. Post randomization healing has been buffed too.


- Vomit only increases leaky by one.

- Ablate no longer does self damage, instead heals.

- Ablate's leaky increase has been toned down to 2.

- Ablate's cost is now 2 split yellow/red to assist with yellow pigment management.

New Fool, Filemarm! She's a pigment management based support. Also capable of removing enemy turns.


Dui Mauris Furyball.dll 70 kB
Dec 21, 2023

Get Dui Mauris Furyball (V2.3.1)

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